Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Woman Holding Office essays

A Woman Holding Office essays Of all the places promoting equality and fairness, America is at the top of the metaphorical billboard. And yet, our preaching country has never proffered one thing: a woman as the leader of our fair nation. It is surprising to realize how few people actually realize that women have run for president or vice president in the past. None of them got on the ballot. I ask myself, Why is this? Why is it that none of the women become the major party nominees? The Philippines, after becoming relatively free when allied with the United States, had a female president quite soon after their democracy was founded. Corazon Aquino held her seat of office from 1986 to 1992 with a capable hand. Be it stereotypical of me to say this or not, studies in our country have shown that women tend toward the liberal side. I can only suppose that this is because they were degraded and looked down upon for quite a period of time as much as some racial groups. But whatever the case, I believe that a Republican woman would appeal to both major parties than a Democratic one. A woman running for president would need to garner support from many different groups, even some of the more difficult ones. A few of these would be the once-considered minorities, members of the major United States religions, and the liberals living in California and New York, not to generalize too much. That woman would have to be fair and forgiving enough to appeal to most of those inclined towards the left wing, but still have enough spunk and aggressiveness to carry the opinion of many of those that tend toward the right wing. She would have to be extremely well balanced in her policies and beliefs. She would also have to have sufficient popularity and financial backing. Any woman running for president would be starting from scratch, without the endorsements already enjoyed by many other candidates. Without the benefit of a national political organization made to s...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Clay essays

Clay essays On July 2, 1881, two shots were fired into the back of President Garfield as he walked through the waiting room of the Baltimore and Potomac depot in Washington. The president lingered for seventy-nine days, succumbing finally on September 29. The assassin, a megalomaniac politician named Charles Julius Guiteau, had been disappointed at not getting the consulship he expected as the reward for a speech written during Garfield's campaign. GuOn July 2, 1881, two shots were fired into the back of President Garfield as he walked through the waiting room of the Baltimore and Potomac depot in Washington. The president lingered for seventy-nine days, succumbing finally on September 29. The assassin, a megalomaniac politician named Charles Julius Guiteau, had been disappointed at not getting the consulship he expected as the reward for a speech written during Garfield's campaign. Guiteau pleaded insanity at his noisily sensational trial, but was found guilty and hanged in the early afternoon of June 20, 1882. The ugly revelations of political jobbery made during Guiteau's trial are credited by the historian Charles Beard with having prompted the creation of the Civil Service Commission. Guiteau's goodnight is based on a New York broadside, "The Lamentation of James Rodgers," a murderer executed on November 12, 1858.... A popular goodnight of the 1870s, "My Name It Is John T. Williams," also borrowed lines and motives from the Rodgers piece. Writers unfamiliar with the goodnight conventions have suggested that Guiteau himself wrote the ballad bearing his name. It happens that Guiteau did write verses in prison, but they were more religiose and belligerent than the ballad that keeps his notoriety alive. No broadside copy of "Charles Guiteau" survives, though such a sheet may well have been the ancestor of the versions collected from oral tradition in the South and Midwest. iteau pleaded insanity at his noisily sensational trial, but was fo...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Two key models in services marketing are the service gaps model and Essay

Two key models in services marketing are the service gaps model and the service profit chain. Discuss the ethos and elements of - Essay Example t, majority of research scholars including Parasuraman et al (1985 and 1988) have devoted their time in order to develop a replicable but reliable instrument with witch service quality gap can be measured. Fortunately, Parasuraman et al (1991, 1994) were successful in developing â€Å"SERVQUAL† scale which is one of the most commonly used scales for measuring the gap in the service quality. In the proposed SERVQUAL scale by Parasuraman et al (1985 and 1988), twenty two items have been incorporated in order to measure service gap in five service settings such as maintenance and repair of electrical appliances, telephone services (long distance), brokerage services, credit card services and retail banking services. However, modern marketers apply the SERVQUAL model to measure service quality gap in almost every service sector. Although the concept of service quality gap is widely accepted but there are research scholars such as Jabnoun and Khalifa (2005) and Landrum et al (2007) who have raised question over the validity service quality gap in service sectors which are categorized by involvement of high degree of psychometric properties. Managerial Implication In modern world, marketing managers of a service firm repeatedly use marketing jargons like customer driven service offering, continuous performance improvement and others, but interesting fact is that only few of them understand the practical implication of service quality gap Landrum et al (2007). Challenge for the marketing managers is to identify the gap in the service delivery and then allocate both financial & non-financial resources to reduce the gap. Any gap in the service delivery should be identified in terms of customer’s perspective by the managers. It is critical for marketing managers of a service...Challenge for the marketing managers is to identify the gap in the service delivery and then allocate both financial & non-financial resources to reduce the gap. Any gap in the servic e delivery should be identified in terms of customer’s perspective by the managers. It is critical for marketing managers of a service firm to identify the most cost effective way to close the service quality gaps.Service Quality. Discussion on service quality gap will be incomplete without shedding light on concepts like service quality. Wisniewski (2001) has pointed out that service quality is a relative term in context to industrial and organizational dimensions, for example, service quality indicators for a hospital cannot be equivalent with service quality indicators for a bank; hence one universally accepted definition of service quality is not possible. In such context, it can be said that although it is difficult to define service quality but the problem can be solved by identifying the gap in the service quality. According to Parasuraman et al (1985), service quality is the ability of the service firm to provide service according to expectation of customers; service quality gap is the difference between expected service quality by customers and perceived service. If perceived service quality is lower than the expected service quality, then customers get dissatisfied.